My First Day at Work – 2021

My First Day at Work – 2021

2020. Yes!! The year we all would want to scrap off everything and assume it never happened.

Keep yourself Safe and Mask Up

Many had mixed feelings for the past year – the good, the bad and the ugly. At the mention of 2020 all that comes to mind is CoVID.

As the outbreak continues to evolve we are all advised to social distance and mask up no matter what you’re doing.

After being on break for the Christmas holidays for some two weeks, today is my first day back in the office. During the holidays, I imagined how I might dread coming back to work and face the same old up and down coupled with its associated stress rather than having a much needed rest at home with the family.

Notwithstanding that, I woke up this morning with a resolve in my spirit that today had to be different than previous days at work in 2020 and previous years.

It’s Tuesday, the first day in the work week for myself and many, and the first Tuesday day in 2021.

Personally, this means that today has to be different because I have this obvious opportunity to do things differently and start with a clean slate.

I want to share a prayer with everyone out there who has returned back to their desks and offices this morning.

Today we have a perfect opportunity to make a lasting change in our work and school lives. What we do today can put us on track to set good habits for the work/school year ahead of us.

So join me in prayer for this, the first day of the work/school week in 2021, and please add your prayer.

Heavenly Father,

I thank you first and foremost for bringing me into this new year. You didn’t have to do it, but you did and I want to honor your commitment to me by being comitted to you in all I do.

A great part of that commitment is honoring you in the work that I do. I spend the majority of my waking hours behind a desk and I don’t want to take for granted that the only reason I am behind this desk is because you woke me up this morning, brought me here safely and blessed me with this job.

Please help me to honor you on this day and everyday going forward with the work that I do. In everything I do at work from this day forward, let me honor you.

Help me to do my work without complaining, murmurring or arguing. May I not carry the grievances, attitudes and dispostions of last year into this year.

And may I free myself of expectations and instead surrender myself to your will. May we all submit ourselves to your will for us in our lives at work and in school.

In Jesus’ Name,


Thank you for reading and praying with me.

Kindly help share.

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Confidence Family MONEY Prayer Success