It’s all about You!

What are your goals?

You are probably asked all the time “What do you want to do with your life?” Do you know? Have you given some thought to some short-term goals, say in the next 3 months or the next 6 months, or next year? Have you thought about what you will be doing in five years? Where do you want to live? Do you want to go to college? Be in a career that you find interesting? Surfing in the States?

Consider your own goals and write them down. Separate them into short-term (in less than a year) and long-term (in the next five years). Keep these goals in mind when making important decisions, such as choosing to study harder.

Respect yourself

To respect yourself means having a healthy self-esteem, or liking yourself, for the most part, just as you are. It doesn’t mean seeing yourself as the greatest person in the world or being conceited. You should think as highly of yourself as you do others. Is it OK to have doubts about yourself? Sure. You are a unique individual who should celebrate your strengths and achievements.
Don’t judge yourself against unreasonable standards. Have respect for yourself and the important choices you will make in life. After all, it’s YOUR future.

How can Abstinence help?

When you decide to not have sex, you simplify your life. You don’t have to worry about pregnancy or STDs or complicated emotional issues.Abstinence I think is the best solution to check teen pregnancy and STD’s You can focus on achieving your goals instead.

If you don’t have sex it doesn’t mean there’s
anything wrong with you.
Listen up!
Not having sex just means you’re not having sex.
It’s that simple!

 Your Personal Mission Statement

On the road of life you will want a destination, a direction and a finish line. You will undoubtedly encounter some roadblocks, detours and possible wrong turns while on your journey. By creating a personal mission statement you can avoid being left behind or stranded somewhere down the road.
While you may have an idea of where you’d like to end up, it is important to have a road map to get you there. Your mission statement is your road map. It is your guide to all your goals, ambitions and successes. Writing down the places you want to go, the dreams you have for yourself and the things you’d like to accomplish will help you to steer clear of the obstacles blocking your path.

It’s your choice where you want to go.
So get started planning your trip.

The Duration:

When preparing yourself for your journey you will want to figure out if it will be a short-term goal or a long-term goal.
With short-term goals you plan to accomplish them within 3 to 6 months. For instance, you may want to try out for the school’s track team next semester. While it may be a few months down the road, the finish line approaches faster than you may think. You will want to figure out how often you’ll need to practice, what time trials you’ll have to beat and how athletic you’ll need to be.
With long-term goals you will want to plan the steps it will take to reach the ultimate goal within 6 months to a year. For example, you may want to graduate from college with a better Class of Honors . You will definitely want to consider all the steps that it will take for you to make it to that goal. Maybe you’ll need to raise your GPA, get involved in more extra curricular activities or re-sit the courses you failed in the previous semester.

The Essentials:

Now plan out all the actions you will need to take to reach your goals.

Will you need to study harder, practice more or concentrate? Will you be able to do it on your own, with your parents help or with a friend? Sometimes getting somewhere is easier and a lot more fun if you’re in good company.
On the next page we have laid out your road map. It is up to you to fill it in with the places you’d like to go, the steps it will take for you get there and the people who will be in your passenger seat helping you out.

Remember that it’s your choice.
The possibilities are endless.

My Road Map – opens a printable page
Download in Word format

Now that you have an idea of where you are headed you should have few problems getting there! You’ll probably need to look at your mission statement at times to make sure you’re still on the right path. So, print it out. Put it somewhere you can quickly glance at it just in case you hit a detour.
Finally, make a promise to yourself to keep these goals. You’ll find that you will be very satisfied when reaching your destination because it’s exactly where you wanted to go. Because in the end it’s your journey, your goals, your choice. Read More On
