From Akatsi to Yendi – The NoVo Story

From Akatsi to Yendi – The NoVo Story

When I should be celebrating and cheering my sister on at her wedding; I found love. 

Yes! That’s so me. Right?

How did this all even start?

I have hoped and prayed for love.

Wished and had dreams of how I would want my love story to play out but I haven’t put my life on hold looking for love… as its been said “Things for you never loss” if it’s meant to be, it will be.

“We cannot decide to love. We cannot compel anyone to love us. There’s no secret recipe, only love itself. And we are at its mercy–there’s nothing we can do”

Yes! I actually met the love of my life at my sisters wedding.

My matchmaker brother crossed all the t’s and dotted all “i’s“. We actually had to sit and play out the plan a couple of times to make sure it was the perfect one.

I have been on social media sending a letter to God asking for a boo so it was a surprise to many to see pre-wedding shots pop after a month later? 

A friend on Facebook queried “You prayed for a woman a few days ago, got one and you’re marrying her that quick?”Yes! My prayers have been answered. 

As some wished for this not to come to pass others stood and prayed with us. Some queried why we planned to get married, some even asked why we are together.

But through it all… “it’s coming home”

I know these sound unbelievable yet they’re TRUE. 

When you’re truly confident and secure, the opinions of others cannot control you.

Many questions have sprung up, some intelligent and others phew! Questions like how we got to meet each other and how we know with such certainty that we are the ones for each other.

To begin with, I did not have the desire to write about the whole “How did you two meet” and all that might come up till we are closer to our wedding day because I wanted to keep the story fresh and  awe-inspiring for our friends and family who will be celebrating our day with us on the wedding day. 

There is some sort of feeling I get when I reminisce the day I first saw her to finally getting to talk to her, on that day I felt grateful and lucky. Finding love has always been about timing.
Dejectedly, from our part of the world, relationships between most young couples don’t last long. 

What accounts for these are mostly due to youthful exuberance, tribalism, religious differences, family status, migration and one that’s hardly mentioned, education.

There has been situations where one party wanted to commit but the other didn’t. One thing that has been problematic has been the cases of cheating in relationships which leads to the collapse of relationships. 

Our relationship has stood the test of time…lol
As young as we are, we have gone through tests that nearly broke us. 
One thing that held us together all this while has been our faith and the Church and I’m much grateful for the help that is continually available.

A friend sent this and I couldn’t hold myself but tear up. Then I knew I had someone looking out for me somewhere.
Message from a friend after she heard our wedding was coming up.
I proposed to Ann on her birthday. She deserved more than just a birthday party. 
My Queen was surprised with a big birthday party.
I proposed to Ann on her birthday. And this has a story on it own.
Birthday Cake with Proposal Question
It’s been 4 years and so many days since the day we meet, and was I lucky to have met her? 

No! We were blessed to have found each other.
We still are blessed and in 10 days, Ann will walk down the aisle and we will be joined in holy matrimony to begin life as husband and wife.
This is the doing of the Lord.
And I can really give God a thumbs up and say good timing champ.
Take this from me; Always know that you’re not alone. The Lord understands what you’re going through and has promised to be with you in every trail of life.
And NoVo is simply an acronym of Northern and Volta, the regions we both hail from.
It’s #Manny2k18 and we would be glad if you can join us celebrate this awesome day.

Dear Reader, You’re invited to our WEDDING! 

DATING Family Friendship LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS Marriage Proposal Uncategorized