“Desist from Entering Marriages with a Two Way Ticket” – Mrs. Rita Korankye Ankrah

Mrs. Rita Korankye Ankrah, wife of Apostle Sam Korankye Ankrah, Founder and Presiding Head of the Royal House Chapel International, has asked Christian couples not to entertain the idea of entering marriages with a “two-way ticket” because it is not Godly.  Mrs. Korankye Ankrah intimated that most marriages are breaking up because people consummate marriages with wrong intentions.

She pointed out that most people often look at the easy way out in the marriage, hoping to “take flight” when tough times begin to surface and advised those yet to marry to disabuse their minds of such thoughts.
Speaking at the end of a three-day “Latter Rain Conference” at the Royal House Chapel in New York, Mrs. Korankye Ankrah, who celebrated her thirtieth-year marriage anniversary, said she did not marry her husband with one eye on the door, because divorce, she thought, was dreadful and ungodly.
“My parents have been married for more than 40 years and I have been married for 30 years, “she said. “ I went into the marriage because I know I was determined to make it happen, stay through thick and thin.”
According to her, married couples should try as much as possible not to quarrel over money, because differences in how the account of the home is kept can wreck a beautiful relationship. Highlighting her points in bullet form, she said it was important for couples to be transparent in their finances so as to eliminate doubts and suspicions that might crop up.
Mrs. Ankrah told the congregation that in the thirty years of her marriage, she and her husband have never quarreled over money because they trust each other. She advised couples not to use their sojourn in America as a basis to argue over money because the tenets of marriage should be honored anywhere.
Touching on the issue of respect, Mama Rita, as she is affectionately called, indicated that when couples lose the respect of each other, the marriage stands the risk of breaking apart and enjoined couples to show respect and affection for each other. “Too often,” she said, “people marry because of some conditions and when reality sets in, they struggle to appreciate themselves for who they are.”
“A man’s number one need is respect. You can’t negotiate a man’s respect. It’s non-negotiable,” she said. “So right from the beginning I respected my husband. I became born again through him. He is my mentor.”
Directing her attention to the men, Mama Rita said as heads of the house, they need to always show love and affection to their wives to create healthy relationships. “Any woman’s concern,” she said, “is the love and attention she needs from her husband.”  “Because women go through a lot of changes especially after childbirth, it is important for men to be patient over petty misunderstandings in order to create harmonious relationships.”
Mrs. Korankye Ankrah, whose speech was often interjected with light jokes, also advised couples to be intimate with each other, share jokes and ease into the simple things essential to the growth of their relationships.
“You don’t have to be too stiff with your spouses. Learn to tell a joke, learn to laugh at each other, that’s how you can grow together,” she stressed. “Life can be stressful and boring; you need someone you can offload to. Appreciate it when the man is cracking a joke; appreciate it when the woman is cracking a joke.”  “I don’t have to be thinking about how to form my words if I have to speak to my husband,” she said to a loud applause.
On children and how their presence could affect the marriage, Mama Rita said as children grow, take up responsibilities and leave the home, it is important for couples to be friends and bond with each other to be able to cope with the day to day activities of the home. “Your children will leave you one day but your spouse will be with you forever,” she said.  Mama Rita wrapped up her message by reminding couples to engage each other in meaningful and constructive conversations and to maintain the respect that exists between the two.
One important highlight of the occasion was the official inauguration of the executives of Royal Ladies.
Anny Osabutey, The Christian Journal
Culled from The Christian Journal