Coke Meets Fanta – A Love Story

Coke Meets Fanta – A Love Story

Words are sweet, but they never take the place of food.

Growing up as kids in this part of the world is so much fun that we tend to come up with so many “crazy” ideas with respect to cloths, drinks and some foods.

In my university days, I just cannot go a day without having my favorite Beans and Riped plantain garnished with Rice and Stew. – Gobe.

Who remembers the heavenly Malt with Milk mix, some have tried to get more blood by mixing Coca Cola (Coke) with Tinned Tomatoes.

My family not excluded, my uncles love the The Palm Wine and Guinness combo. A cousin introduced me to a Khebab and Bread combo recently and I keep asking who came up with these?

We may not know the local scientists who came up with these tasty and nice food combos but we do know what brings two people of different color together – Love.

Two of my very good friends will be getting married this weekend, two people who have showed that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

From “I’m just visiting her to check up on her” to “Milly cooked me some JOLLOF erh, I didn’t eat after 2 days. It was too good” to “I want to make her my WIFE.”

Today, I’m glad my friend has found the one who makes his heart skip a beat. God couldn’t have handpicked anyone better for you than her- God through AG (don’t forget that) 
Francis and Mildred, we all have noticed how your mood changes and how you both light up when you are around each other, I’m always excited when you talk about your future together. 
Everyone from the group, FIFTY SHADES of TILAPIA and were it all started Voices In Worship (Royalhouse Chapel) is excited to watch you both marry, God made this, this union is signed and sealed from Heaven and delivered by an ANGEL, a correct angel oo not the ones flying around in human form with bleached faces.

“if you know… know”

We all have no doubt that the next journey that life has for you two, together, will be nothing less than an amazing adventure. The day you say “I do” you are not two people; you become one. 
One journey, one purpose, one marriage.

You both are an example of an amazing couple grounded in God’s love and word.

Together you will conquer mountains and get through valleys.

Also, remember every step you all take you are following the steps God has ordered for you! 

One last advise as you won’t be having enough time to hang out with the guys again, the TV remote is hers and learn to get home on time. 
Before you ask when I’m getting married, its on…… #Agenda2020